I created JellyFish. JellyFish is a 3D based, first person controlled, fishbowl game. Player will be able to collect bullets through colliding with undersea creatures, and kill all four squids by shooting 5 bullets continuously.
For the game control, it is similar with the Tailwind Level Design; mouse for the direction it faces, WASD (⬆️⬅️⬇️➡️) for moving, and space button for shooting. In order to indicate the collectible's position, I put a purplish spotlight above each of them. The JellyFish will receive 10 bullets for each creature, and lose 2 bullets each time colliding with the squid. The squid will also attack the fish by spraying the ink and the screen will become invisible for 3 seconds.
Category |Game Development with Unity
Tool Used | Unity & Maya