Frog's dreamy stuff animal world
Credit _ Sound from Loco Roco
This is an animation portraying a frog going to bed, but suddenly hear an abnormal sound, following by many stuff animals falling down from a bubble. After stricken by those stuff animals, the frog is attempting to climb away but accidentally falls down from its bed and find it’s all a dream. At first, I was trying to create an obvious contrast between reality and the dream, so people will be able to know that now they are in the frog’s dream. However, I end up removing the contrast because I’d like to keep the fantasy, illusional element in my animation. The reason for taking my frog is simple. I was intending to create a video of my dog, another stuffed animal, and animating those beautiful memories we have gone through together. I took my frog video as a rotoscoping practice assignment for class and suddenly found that he is such a great animal to animate. So I started to come up with a meaningful story, and I noticed that he is always overlaid by other stuff animals in my bed. With his goofy face and his out-of-focus eyes, he becomes the ideal choice of this dreamy animation's main character. Additionally, I didn't want to give up portraying my dog, so I rotoscoped almost all of my family members, definitely including the dog which is the last one drop to the ground, in my bed, and used them to create a dreamy atmosphere.
Category | Motion Graphics . Animation
Tool Used | Adobe Illustrator . After Effects . Animate
Audio | Loco Roco