0528 Assignment 0: Up and Running with Unity

✔️downloaded and installed Unity on your Computer

✔️created a Unity account

✔️set up VSCode to be the main code editor for Unity

✔️create a personal process blog

✔️READING: The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses [Page 1 - Page 95]

Reading Reflection

After reading from the first chapter through the chapter seven from the book "The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses," I grasp a brief idea of game design and game development. Before attending the first class and reading this book, I had no idea about game, either design or development; I thought these two are identical. From introducing the most important skill for game designer, which is listening to eight tips for productive prototyping and further closing the loop, this book truly helps me with getting the idea of how the process of creating a game could be. Especially those lenses on each chapter, they help me to reflect these lenses on those games I have played before and see if they answer those key questions. This most intriguing part I found is discussing about subconscious and sleep in chapter six. I agree with how crucial the sleep is for idea generation or even solving problem, but I always tend to stay awake until I solve the problem or come up with an interesting idea. However, I really appreciate that the author introduces the subconscious mind as another person of ourselves. It opens my mind about treating our subconscious as a silent partner, which can be really useful. After reading these paragraphs, I start to believe in enough sleeping is also an essential element for game design and development, because this is where those creativity arise from. Overall, I learn a lot from these chapters, and I get to know the process from brainstorming an idea to make it really come true.