Feb. 15th _ Love Machine

Homework :

✔️Read A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design and the responses to that article

✔️Read Ch 6 of The User Illusion by Tor Nørretranders (see class Slack)

✔️Build a love-machine that identifies how compatible two people are with the microcontroller. Think of your input, and how well it maps to your output. Will you use LEDs? a servo? something else? will it be buttons, knobs, sensors? Be inventive. You may work in paris on this project. Document the work on the blog. Use video, shoot it well, use a tripod, keep things in focus. When you write your documentation, be sure to explicitly reference the readings from the last two weeks. How are you making affordances for people? What are the signifiers? How are you using the body in a meaningful way?

0222 NYU IDM _ Physical Interface of Networking | HW3_LoveMachine_He Loves Me... or Not | HeLovesMeOrNotMakingProcessTimeLapse | Tool Used_ Arduino (Esp8266)

Che-Yu and I came up with an idea of using the fortune-telling game “He loves me, he loves me not” or “She loves me, she loves me not” to see whether or not you are compatible with your soulmate. In this game, one person will speak the phrases “He (or she) loves me,” and “He (or she) loves me not,” while picking one petal off from the flower for each phrase. The phrase for the last picked petal represents the truth between the object of their affection returns that affection or not. 

As for our love machine, the player will do the same as the game. While the seven petals are picked off, the color of RGB LED light will change from red to green to blue. In order to solve the issue that there will always be only seven petals and the player might have already known the outcome without picking off the petals, we set a random value for the beginning status. If the LED lights up in the end, it means you are compatible with your affection. If not, you could play the game over and over game until you reach your ideal outcomes!

Make the Flower conductible

Coding Draft

Arduino Code



However, we don’t have any testing video at this point, because we have failed to make the entire flower conductive. We use mainly cardboard and copper tape for both prototype and the final version. As we were testing each petal’s conductibility, not every petals work. Instead, only two of them works well. We tried to add more conductive layer to the attached surface to make the rest petals conductible , but it didn’t work as we thought. So our next step will be finding out the conductive problem, solve it, and make this game happen with our love machine.

Conductive petal

Conductive petal


Update Feb. 22nd

In order to solve the conductive issue, we folded copper tape into a special shape and sticked it on each petal. As you can see in the attached photo, the attachable surface becomes wider and thicker. 

Updated petal

Updated petal